SHOW SUMMARY: With Rich on assignment in Charlotte, the Deep Dive is a little shorter, but still long on suggestions! This week is a look at mismatched mix matches of tag teams – think the Ganstanators in ECW – on the current wrestling scene, starting with the WXW Road to Broken Rules 2018 matchup between Ilja Dragunov and WALTER vs. “Calamari Thatch Kings” (Chris Brookes and Timothy Thatcher), which dovetails into the past few months of the Thatch Kings in Progress and ending with the RPW September 2018 matchup of Ringkampf vs. CCK proper. After these matches were discussed, a salute to Stokely occurred, as Rich highlights the story leading to the handicap tag match of Stokely Hathaway and CCK’s own Jonathan Gresham vs. Nick Gage – yup, THAT Nick Gage. Finally, Rich answers a few emails and closes with news of the year-end show.
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